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Category: Blog

Not My Job

Does an organization with specific job descriptions take a risk of creating a “not my job” atmosphere? It could. Successful organizations can have descriptions and not foster territorial employees if they also have one very important component. It must be coupled with a customer centric vision that charges each and every employee accountable to contribute

Which Came First?

WHY? is a customer service satire, poking fun at many industries for a lack of pleasant and efficient customer service. It was only fair to offer one chapter devoted to obnoxious customer behavior. I call them the BCCs. Badly Behaved Consumers. At best, you have been waiting your turn when you have had the pleasure

I Thought So.

I think boards of many companies need to take a harder look at what their checklist includes for deeming qualified candidates for the position of CEO to the organization that they serve. I talk about this in WHY?. Intuitively, I think leadership skills are instinctive and difficult to teach. You either are a leader, or

Martha Humler