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Month: June 2017

Month: June 2017

Thorny Timing

We come to an area in the summer that is known for being a family vacation destination, therefore, quite crowded in the summer. The local economy depends on that as winter brings a significantly more scarce population. The region is also home to one of the country’s wonderful national parks. My kids can confirm. For

Not My Job

Does an organization with specific job descriptions take a risk of creating a “not my job” atmosphere? It could. Successful organizations can have descriptions and not foster territorial employees if they also have one very important component. It must be coupled with a customer centric vision that charges each and every employee accountable to contribute

Which Came First?

WHY? is a customer service satire, poking fun at many industries for a lack of pleasant and efficient customer service. It was only fair to offer one chapter devoted to obnoxious customer behavior. I call them the BCCs. Badly Behaved Consumers. At best, you have been waiting your turn when you have had the pleasure

Martha Humler